When you’re reeling from the aftermath of a car accident, the last thing you want to think about is your auto insurance deductible. Your insurance deductible is the amount of money you’re required to pay for collision repair before your insurance company steps in and covers the rest. It can, at times, make the repair process more complicated than it has to be by causing confusion for those seeking auto repair.
You shouldn’t let an insurance claim deductible stop you from seeking the necessary repairs on your vehicle following a collision. In addition to offering everything from towing and car rental assistance to collision repair and excellent customer service, Transit Collision also offers customers an accident insurance deductible program that will reduce your costs and so you’re able to fix the damage done to your vehicle at the lowest possible cost.
As one of the leading collision and repair shops in WNY, Transit Collision walks you through filing your insurance claim and understanding your deductible in the aftermath of an auto accident. Transit Collision offers all customers the option to use their auto insurance deduction plan service. The experienced staff at Transit Collision will take a close look at your deductible and compare it to the total cost of your repairs to work with your in the way that makes the most sense for you.
To inquire about a deductible program that would be best for you, contact Transit Collision today!